30 Days Challenge
A moment you felt the most satisfied in your life.
Convocation time bebeh ! This is
the most satisfied moment in my life so far. Why? Because as for me, this is
the least gift I could ever gave to my parents after all the sacrificed they
have made to raise me and my siblings. Not to forget, a gift for myself too
after all the hard work, laugh and tears during my diploma’s and degree’s.
Final year's Thesis bebeh !! muntah darah kakton mengadap menda alah nie.
kakton terlampau terharu sebab dapat jugak merasa konvo. sobsss
with my friends quya, jijie and wan :)
abah : "mana ada orang ambil scroll gelak-gelak..."
me : fine.
kakton overjoy kah? hahahaha
meet my supermom and superdad. the greatest hero and heroin on earth :)
it's really hard to get my dad smiling when taking a picture. everytime.
Nama saya Nurul'Ain. Saya dah grad. Berminat sila hubungi mama saya di talian 019-*******
krik krik.. krik krik
my gila-gila friends.. i miss them :'(
After 2 and half year of studies..
we honor the mortar board .
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